Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Missing Students!

Here I am in the computer lab with one of my English II classes. I was so worried today because when the class started, there were no students in my class! The registrar's office had forgotten to post the change in rooms on the bulletin board, so no one knew where they were supposed to go. It was really confusing. Luckily, one of my students came to the computer lab, and she went to the classroom to find all of the other students. I was so happy to see them when the finally arrived. I was worried that we weren't going to be able to have a class today. Anyway, we are all finally blogging, and so far it seems like everyone has managed to make a blog. I can't wait to read everyone's blogs tonight. I am sure that they are going to be very interesting.

I'm going to help my students now . . . b y e !!!


At 5:56 AM, Blogger CCoder said...

Hey Scott, you look like a really cool teacher. I had liked having a teacher like you... my school english teacher was a grumpy old woman (like "Grumpy Old Men" movie, but female version), who wasn't very good teaching. In fact i've learned much more viewing subtitled movies and listen to music (i think this is the best way to learn english, 'cause you try to understand what your favorite song says)... Well, keep on teaching... i'll try to follow your blog and your students' ones too. PS: a good way to read all their blog without visiting all pages, is using RSS tech. If you don't know what it is, email me: cingolani.f@gmail.com . See ya...


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