Sunday, April 17, 2005

Here I am Again!!

Hello World! Here I am again in the computer lab with my students. This is the last time that I am going to be coming into the computer lab with my students for a long time. From now on, they are on their own! However, I am not at all worried, because I think everyone has really got the hang of blogging already. Some of my students have even start posting pictures already. It's so cool!!

Right now, I am in the computer lab with my English II - 2 students. They are all blogging about their goals for this course. As I have already blogged about my goals for English II, I thought I would try blogging about my goals for my life. I am so confused right now! I am going back to Canada in August, but I am still not sure exactly what I want to do. I could teach at the University of Calgary, and I could study for my Ph.D. in Education, but I am not sure if that is exactly what I want to do. Part of me wants to go back to Calgary because it would be really good for me to get my Ph.D. I'd be "Dr. Douglas" :-) But then again, part of me wants to go to Vancouver to live, well, because Vancouver is just so amazing, and Calgary is just so, well, cold. However, if I go to Vancouver, what would I do?? I guess I could try and get a teaching job, but the money wouldn't be very good, and I wouldn't have a very good lifestyle, not that money is everything, but it helps. I have even heard of teachers in Vancouver who have quit teaching and now they are working in Starbucks because they can make more money managing a branch of Starbucks than teaching. Hmmmm, what the heck should I do with my life?? I have given myself until the end of the month to decide, and in the meantime, I'm going to keep doing my best at Kansai Gaidai :-)


At 9:24 AM, Blogger teachalori said...

Hey scott,

I wouldn't worry about what to do with the rest of your life. My parents always tell me that life is what happens when you're planning something else. Take it from an old hiker, the trail will provide what you need exactly when you need it. Good luck!! And by the way - we'll have to get together so I can learn about the link thing. Cheers!


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